Tag Archives: 세월

Statement on the Sewol Tragedy

The world’s attention has turned to South Korea after reports of the Sewŏl ferry sinking on the southwestern coast of the peninsula on the morning of April 16, 2014.

This tragedy hits close to home, and we at Wireless Peninsula stand in solidarity with the passengers’ families as the search continues for the missing. We are thankful for the safety of those who were rescued. However, in our celebration of those who have been rescued, we also remember the deceased and their families as they cope with the loss of their loved ones. Rescue personnel are doing their best despite difficult conditions to find passengers that may still be inside the ship, and we maintain our hope that the remaining passengers will be found alive.

We encourage you to stay up to date on events as they unfold by consulting international news sites as well as Korean domestic reporting. Please keep those involved in the rescue effort, as well as the passengers and their families, in your thoughts and prayers.

English-language editions of Korean dailies:

Arirang News – Chosun Ilbo – Donga Ilbo – The Hankyoreh


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