Tag Archives: South Korea


Welcome to Wireless Peninsula, a collective of young scholars seeking to understand and interpret Korea in transition. This online forum is intended to be a resource for those seeking to learn more about Korean culture, language, policy, and history. We believe that Korea is a unique case through which we can understand greater global trends. By studying and sharing our research on Korea and the dynamic of the larger peninsula, we aim to arm our readers with knowledge that they can apply to the analysis of other problems around the world. While we use Korean culture and history in our investigations, we intend to address questions of more general concern. We imagine this blog as a collaborative space between our contributors and our readers, and we encourage you to become an active participant in our intellectual community.

Look for our first posts starting on January 15! This post is a self-introduction and an opportunity for you to acquaint yourself with our subject material.

Who we are

All Wireless Peninsula contributors are current Fulbright scholars residing in South Korea. We are all either recent college graduates or graduate students pursuing advanced degrees, and represent fields as diverse as public health, engineering, history, and economics. While the majority of our posts will be authored by our primary contributors, we hope to feature guest posts by Fulbright alumni and other Korean studies experts in the future.

Read more about the contributors to this site at our about page.

Contact information

Questions or comments? Either post in the comment section, or email us directly at wirelesspeninsula(at)gmail.com. You can also tweet us @wi_pen.


This is not an official Fulbright Program site. The views expressed here are entirely our own and do not represent the views of the Fulbright Program, the U.S. Department of State, or any of its partner organizations.


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