Tag Archives: Yanbian

Anti-South Korean Sentiment in Yanbian (연변)

By Sarah Hong

Sarah is a friend of Michael’s from their time at Northwestern, where she received her degree in Political Science. She spent the formative months of her post-college life in China as a Fulbright Fellow (2012-2013). The following post is an introduction to her research on ethnic minority self-identity in the Yanbian region.

Andrei Lankov dubs Yanbian the “Third Korea”; South Korean mass media portrays it as a perennial backwater home to a countless number of thugs and con artists. Most South Koreans know little about this region of Northeast China, half the size of South Korea and home to the largest and oldest sub-group of the Korean Diaspora – the Chosunjok (Korean-Chinese).[1]

Location of Yanbian (image courtesy of Wikipedia)

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